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San Migs - 2015-05-27

Say it is hypocrisy when a family member has suffered under communism?

China is not a democracy,full stop, period. Taiwan is.

Democracy in Egypt? Errr, it failed, but that is not the fault of the UK. The fact is fair and free elections are better than a one party system, the CCP just wants to cling to state capitalism, much like Russia does.

For example...to get ahead in say Gazprom in Russia you have to tow the party line, in this case, United Russia. Your own skills and getting there by merit don't count, same as the system in China.

Capitalism/democracy gives the chance to fail or succeed, on your own merits, not the biggest fan of capitalism, but I'm certainly not a fan of communism either. The nordic model is perhaps one to aspire to.

Messages In This Thread
question to laowai: what is democracy. -- Wang -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- DG -- 2015-05-28
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- comment -- 2015-05-28
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- commenting -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- w.g. -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- EXTC -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- Ray O. -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-27
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- billy -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- billy -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- EXTC -- 2015-05-26
Re question to laowai: what is democracy. -- San Migs -- 2015-05-26
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re question to laowai: what is democracy.

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