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China ESL industry is a joke - 2015-06-11

Agreed both parties are to blame, they get the type of ESL spoof that they deserve, now if they want qualified teachers they gotta have to pay for it, but more than that offer a professional working environment and stop lying to their own foreign employees.

Foreigners could put up with the pollution, the corruption and every less glorious aspects of China if they weren't constantly being lied to, cheated and discriminated, not only by common people but also by their own employer in most cases.

Long story short, one of the funniest situation in China is being pointed at and reminded that you don't belong here by some migrant worker who likely doesn't have a local hukou, officially resides in hole-in-the-wall town and can only remain here instead of being sent back to his hometown thanks to his slaver's... I meant boss' guanxi. Meanwhile you have a legit residence permit and you are registered as a local resident. In sum you have more legal rights to be here than he does, yet to him you are an anomaly because your facial features are slightly different.

I really do think that many of China's problems are not to be blamed on the government but on the commoners, the same people who want to look modern and educated yet point and laugh at anyone different, they do make some foreigners' life a living hell while those laowais just want to be left alone.

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Re (foreign teachers in China) dont respect chinese -- China ESL industry is a joke -- 2015-06-11
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