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John O'Shei - 2015-06-26

Where's your Chinese, homegrown supermarket brands in Western countries?

NOWHERE, that's where. (Don't worry, there's always Africa for you. But in truth, most good Africans don't really want you there either.)

Not due to market entry regulations, but they're obviously inferior and wouldn't last 2 minutes in the more competitive Western marketplace, where the Chinese brands like Hua Run/Vanguard and Yong Hui can't rely upon secret, unreprted state interference to either bail out poorly performing stores or make life more difficult for their foreign competitors.

Besides, it is muted that Western supermarket brands such as WalMart and Carrefour are considering pulling out of the Chinese markets altogether (I think they'll merely downsize) because although Chinese consumers represents a large percentage of the global population, that does not translate into a larger percentage of global sales. That's because many Chinese people away from the developed cities are cheapskates that would prefer to shop at dirty, local unlicensed markets run by unwashed rural farmers and will only splash the cash on quality products for corruption purposes or showing off!

But then there's luxury brands from the West... Sure, the Chinese Corruption Crew can't get enough of this shit and local brands like SeptWolves, Bosideng etc actually deserve a lot of credit for creating fairly decent products to compete with the western brands. What must be noted is that Western brands are destroying the Chinese in this area... If Chinese people aren't buying this shit at home, they're all travelling abroad en masse to buy it. Are Chinese brands creating the same amount of interest abroad? Maybe in tech rather than fashion, there's Lenovo and Xiaomi, but let's face it, most Chinese people still desire Apple products above all others.

Now, go and report that back to your Wumao division superiors... Western innovation twinned with Western capitalism wins again.

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