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Yingwen Laoshi - 2006-05-30
In response to How far do we dare venture? (The Arrogant One)

Just a few points about use of the forum, TAO.

There are many forums on this board. We have the "teaching strategies" forum for stuff directly related to the classroom and the "school reviews" forum where we can post about specific schools, good or bad.

We also of course have this, the ESL discussion forum. Out of all the forums on this board it's name suggests that it caters to a broad range of aspects relating to ESL. If you check out the names of all other forums on this site you would find that this one is probably the least specific.

It seems the only thing that all posters on this forum SHOULD have in common is an involvement or interest in ESL. That allows for a huge range in different experiences, situations and circumstances of the posters on this forum. These can range from a hardened veteran foreign teacher who is now in his twentieth year in Asia, to somebody sitting in their plush suburban house back in the west, thinking of trying their hand at ESL for the first time. So that brings us to the purpose of this board.

Well the purpose for our suburban friend maybe just to get some cold hard facts about how to get started in ESL. On the other hand our "Asian vet" may want to use this place to vent out the frustrations and stresses of living in what would still be for him a foreign climate (it may be the only thing that keeps him sane and able to continue doing the job he likes). Although those two uses of the board are markedly different, are they not both equally valid?

Unlike other site forums I haven't noticed any specific rules, stipulations or conditions on using this particular forum. Besides if there were any attempt to post anything not in keeping with the boards requirements, I'm sure it would not pass the scrutiny of the forum moderators and thus would not even appear on here.

I'm a little suprised at your opposition to the use of emotion in posts, TAO, considering that you have posted your fair share of posts over the years that have not generally been any less emotive in content than any of the recent ones- for example those on the subject of ageism in ESL.

Let's live and let live. In the world of ESL there are many individuals with a variety of different backgrounds, experiences, and circumstances. May all of us continue to enjoy the freedom of expressing whatevever is on our minds or in our hearts, concerning ESL!

Let it all out

Tears For Fears

Messages In This Thread
How far do we dare venture? -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-05-28
Different Strokes for Different Folks - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-05-30
I surrender already! - Teachers Discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-06-03
Surrender? - Teachers Discussion -- Yingwen Laoshi -- 2006-06-03
Group Hug. Strictly brotherly. - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-06-03
Roses and Manure, Applied As Indicated - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-05-29
And the reason you'd be fired would be.... -- Rheno747 -- 2006-05-30
What are the differences . - Teachers Discussion -- Alexia -- 2006-05-30
Why not start a visa thread? - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-05-30
different fields - Teachers Discussion -- Alexia -- 2006-06-02
Or Not... - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-06-02
Doesn't Matter - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-05-30
Yeah, I've heard that from folks - Teachers Discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-05-30
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