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Twice Shy - 2015-07-10
In response to re: chinese cyber attacks on the US (San Migs)

The cyber attacks on the United States had nothing to do with China. Think it through; China would have absolutely nothing to gain by attacking the net in the U.S. This was a stunt either engineered by the U.S. or by the money power in the world as a message to China. The stock market crash was incurred because there is now a belief among those who truly run governments and the world that China has grown too big for it's britches; destabilizing the fragile peace that exists in the South China Sea by laying claim to the waters below China and the areas there going west, investing billions in South America, and they've built a 'man-made' island complete with air field that puts them within military reach of all of Asia and the middle east. This 'crash' had the participation of the billionaire powers that exist in China and around Asia as well. The meeting in Washington D.C. recently was called hastily to "clear the air" about just how much guff the world will take from China. The United States had nothing to do with the stock market crash in China and China did not cyber attack the U.S. Look at the bigger picture.

Messages In This Thread
re: chinese cyber attacks on the US -- San Migs -- 2015-07-10
Chinese cyber attacks on the US -- Twice Shy -- 2015-07-10
Re Chinese cyber attacks on the US -- San Migs -- 2015-07-10
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