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Survivor 2015 - 2015-07-19

Working at CIE Yinghua a.k.a. The sixth floor. A list for those considering from a survivor of 2015: (Western and foreign are used throughout as the same)

Pros - There are some decent human beings to be found there as colleagues and some switched on students.

- If you enjoy teaching your subject then you will find willing and able learners on the sixth floor.

- Working there probably makes you count your blessings and will spur you on to greater things.

- Teaching here is stress free - working here and being in the office here is highly stressful.

Cons - Opinion: The school is in Wu Qing - arguably the biggest hole between Beijing and Tianjin. Langfang is arguably better. WuQing: A no man's land of barren culture and polluted scars. This is not a place to raise young children. You will need gas masks and 'hepa' filters throughout your stay - you might as well live in Beijing or Tianjin and enjoy your time here as you will spend all your time wishing you lived there!

- Fact: This is not a place to work for those who enjoy team work and collaboration - it isn't fostered from above and attempts at teacher or student trips are quelled often in the name of 'The Tianjin Education Department's Rules.' As a foreigner you have no comeback to this.

- Fact: Non existent management is non communicative and so nothing is organised or expressed to foreign teachers until the eleventh hour.

- Fact: Yes there is a principal called Lin, yes there is a UCAS man called Yun, yes there is a Student Affairs officer Jane, yes there is a HR representative called Jia Ru, yes there was a Western teachers manager called Rose but not one of these people has/had the power to see through their visions. It was and is a ship without a rudder, captain, compass or map.

- Fact: Contracts are not always honored: health insurance wasn't purchased nor comprehensive until all teachers threatened a walk out and one teacher was hospitalised.

- Fact/Opinion: Medical care in Wu Qing is third world quality and completely substandard to anyone with basic medical knowledge.

- Fact: Students always know what is happening before Western teachers and Western teachers have no guaranteed termly calendar - working days are added and deleted at a whim.

- Fact: The swimming pool and gym do not exist. Rather, the swimming pool has not had water in since 2003 according to the website photos.

- Fact: It could be so much better and oh my the students do want it to be! It is very frustrating to become so powerless in this establishment and to be at the whims of such incompetence.

Objective review? Probably not. The usual chirpy office banter and joshing among foreign teachers made the year survivable for most and no doubt all those who felt jaded will in time forgive and forget. But to those who are going to continue to be a part of this establishment's short term, high labour turnover and corner cutting model of education you should know what you're looking at or being sold.

Would any of those with options stay? No. Should you go there? You decide. Hope this helped.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Maple Leaf Proud -- 2014-01-03
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Michael -- 2015-07-18
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Re Bait and switch -- San Migs -- 2015-07-21
Re Bait and switch -- cool max -- 2015-07-21
Re Bait and switch -- ROXYINCHINA -- 2015-07-21
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Survivor 2015 -- 2015-07-19
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- San Migs -- 2015-07-19
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Michael -- 2015-07-19
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- San Migs -- 2015-07-21
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Michael -- 2015-07-21
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Sharp -- 2015-07-18
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Michael -- 2015-07-19
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Sharp -- 2015-07-19
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Michael -- 2015-07-20
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- daryl -- 2015-01-28
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Caring -- 2015-01-29
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Beth -- 2015-01-29
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Caring -- 2015-01-29
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Beth -- 2015-01-30
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- daryl -- 2015-03-22
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- martin hainan -- 2015-03-22
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- daryl -- 2015-04-22
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-22
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- martin hainan -- 2015-03-23
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Tuscan -- 2015-03-23
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- yu2fa3 -- 2015-03-23
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- San Migs -- 2015-03-24
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- yu2fa3 - tuscan -- 2015-03-24
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- San Migs -- 2015-03-25
Re: Tianjin Yinghua Cambridge International School IGCSE Program Info? -- Caring -- 2015-01-30
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