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martin hainan - 2015-08-08
In response to My story (Mac)

I spent a total of 14 years teaching English overseas.

Now it is August 2015 I don't
have a job because employers won't hire me because I was away from America for so long.
I am 55 years old

At the age of 41, in the middle of your peak earning years, you embarked on a career-ending EFL odyssey.

As MANY people on this site have attested: EFL teaching is a wonderful experience for people in their 20s who are having a post-graduate experience AND for early retirees with savings or retirement income.

ANYONE in their 30s or 40s who is working as a foreign teacher is NOT enhancing their resume for employment in their home country. Even well-paid fully qualified and certified subject teachers are putting themselves at risk once they return to their home country, if they remain overseas for too many years.

It has been my observation, however, that a significant number of FTs in the 40s are teaching in China precisely because they could not find work in their home country, for a litany of reasons, some of which are the basis for China's new focus on Criminal background checks.

Again speaking of China, I you decide to stay here the opportunities to legitimately participate in business ownership are almost nil. With a Chinese spouse you may have some opportunities, but it is difficult to navigate the local regulations and 'guangxi'.

Messages In This Thread
My story -- Mac -- 2015-08-07
Re My story -- Anonymous -- 2015-08-08
Re My story -- martin hainan -- 2015-08-08
Re My story -- San Migs -- 2015-08-09
Re My story -- teach to live -- 2015-08-07
Re My story -- Mac -- 2015-08-08
Re My story -- teach to live -- 2015-08-09
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