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San Migs - 2015-08-16

Thanks again for the reply.

"I am teaching today and tomorrow in fact." Good for you. Hope things are beginning to get settled for you.

Thank you for your comment. It is quite challenging at times as HK parents are somewhat demanding and place a great emphasis on educating their young from a very early age in a whole range of subjects. I am working on a tentative plan, but I don't see I will be leaving HK just yet.

Just remember that if you have a go at other people you are likely to get a strong response from some people. I don't feel privileged or assume I get preferential treatment but I do understand the issue of building relationships in China.

Again, let me reiterate that I am sorry and it was not my intention to have a go at other people, and the wives comment certainly was not aimed at you in a singular fashion.So to repeat again, I am sorry, it was not my intention to offend and for that I humbly apologize.

By me saying "that's how it is" does not mean I condone poor treatment of foreigners - I don't, and I try to meet new challenges every day.

Fair Enough. And I just hope you don't meet the same challenges regarding the Chinese visa, myself and numerous other highly qualified FT's have done...all through no fault of their own. Getting a Chinese work visa is now as hard as getting a Saudi Arabian one, the only difference is that one country pays degreed FT's higher for their trouble in applying for and getting a job/visa, and one country does not. I guess my point is if you are a single, male FT why jump through the hoops of the Chinese visa system, when other countries pay more for jumping through similar hoops?!

Indeed, it is frustrating at times living in China and I seem to have a constant battle to get improvements.

Agreed, and I think that is something most long term old china hands can relate to.


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Re No preferential treatment -- San Migs -- 2015-08-16
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