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San Migs - 2015-08-16
In response to Re Zhengzhou, Henan Province (ROXYINCHINA)

Yes, there are nutters freely circulating.

One nutter in a city in Guangdong, used to hurl rocks at me and chatter mad stuff at me, I think he was schizophrenic, of course the cops weren't bothered at all, as there was no money to be made from him, as there was the numerous whorehouses in the district of that city that kept girls and women from Hunan and Sichuan in their employment.

Messages In This Thread
Re Zhengzhou, Henan Province -- formerZhengzhou -- 2015-08-14
Re Zhengzhou, Henan Province -- San Migs -- 2015-08-15
Re Zhengzhou, Henan Province -- ROXYINCHINA -- 2015-08-15
Re Zhengzhou, Henan Province -- San Migs -- 2015-08-16
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