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Rheno747 - 2006-06-10
In response to Don't shoot the messenger - Teachers Discussion (good intentions)

Your school is a business first and foremost. Keep that in mind. This is the reality of TESOL. Sure, those slacker native speakers get drunk every night, but they are demanded our by our students' parents. Most of these losers don't really teach anything, but they've learned how to milk the system and play the TESOL game. That game is "fool the students into thinking they're getting something for their money." Usually these so-called "teachers" grade "easily", give ultra-easy exams, and act like clowns in their classrooms. And, of course, their students love them. Do their students learn enough to pass the TEOFL test later? Who cares in the here and now? The students don't. When their students finally realize they've been ripped off on their educations, their loser native-speaking teachers will be long gone, just like those students' tuition money.

Why shouldn't the drunks play the game? Serious guys like me, you, and your wife will be shown the door way before the drunks will. We actually FORCE our students to do the one thing they really DON'T want to do in our classrooms--LEARN English.

So. Where the hell am I going with this?

If you and your wife actually do the job you were hired to do, you may encounter problems later. Yeah, mark my word. Your school will turn on you sometime down the road if you aren't keeping smiles on your kids' faces, and they'll start making an issue of the fact your wife isn't a native speaker. Right now, you're in the "honeymoon" stage at your digs. We all see it. Our schools treat us like gold the first month or so. As the months drag on, though, we serious teachers get the "icy" treatment because our students don't want to work.

Unless you and your wife are "popular" in your classroom, you'll start having trouble at your new school in a month or so. They'll start making an issue of your wife's pay in hopes you'll quit and go elsewhere. TESOL schools want clowns, not teachers.

Messages In This Thread
Don't shoot the messenger - Teachers Discussion -- good intentions -- 2006-06-09
Remember. Your school is a business FIRST. - Teachers Discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-06-10
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