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Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U - 2006-06-12
In response to Republican Pre-election Strategy - Teachers Discussion (Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed.)

I don't pay attention to the shenanigans of US politicos these days. This is the big benefit of coming to a place like Thailand, especially if you don't know the language--you really can "tune out" and leave all that s### far behind.

I have never accepted the two-party system in the US. Never will, either. It's not really even two-party. It's two sides of the same coin. It's a con-game concocted by the elites to make people believe their votes count come election day. Yeah, the two-party system is designed to bleed off the dissent and anger of the populace and keep the quo 'status'.

One group is really getting the shaft in the US right now--the technologically unemployed. These "cast-offs" are starting to clamor for some serious government attention, as the great capitalist machine has kicked them off their economic perches. They are now in a free-fall into the permanent underclass, and they know it. They're also very, very pissed off about it.

In response, the liberal side of the elite's coin will now have to send out its politicos to surround these folks with "feel-good" group hugs, ensure some of their pet candidates win elections, and just make these people feel all giddy inside. All the while, nothing will change. This is the way it has always been. And this is the way things will always be, barring a full-scale revolution involving lots of spilled blood and a total abandonment of the one-coin, two-party (two-sides) system.

The elites in the US aren't going to go quietly.

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