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ExpatMcGee - 2015-09-13

in order not to be homeless and poor and thus to become a loser

'thus become a loser' hehe. well that says something about you but you are another one I need to ask this question to..

What are you worried about?

What is the fear or rage or worry or what exactly do you think will happen to them?
That they will die?
That after death they will go into the afterlife ashamed of the salary problem they had once?

Let me give you a real world example:

Guy we know from the USA lost his job. Saw adverts to teach in China. Shows up with zero degrees (never went to college) and finds he works in a shitty training centre. He barely makes 8000 a month. Its enough for an 'okay' lifestyle in China BUT a year later he doesn't have any savings. He goes back home and is homeless. sleeping on friends couches. has no job and his year in china did nothing to help him get a job. he went on some kind of social welfare plus odd jobs (painting fences, cleaning toilets etc).....

....so Dr. Turnoi.. finish this with.... and then what? so what? I'm sincerely asking you "what about it?". Where is the problem, hate, worry, issue, where or how is this ending ?

He did that and (now your turn to finish the sentences)... and so what?

Messages In This Thread
Re: Re why worry -- ExpatMcGee -- 2015-09-13
Re: Re why worry -- San Migs -- 2015-09-15
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