View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › ESCAPE? WHERE, pray tell, kind sir? - Teachers Discussion
The Arrogant One - 2006-06-17
In response to What Profession???? Just a 1 year Contract - Teachers Discussion (Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed.)

Oh, Robin-a-Day, feisty comrade that thou art ...

'Tis, indeed, sad news that you plan to retire from our ... as I put it ... profession. But please, don't take that shtick of mine too seriously, dear fellow. 'Tis merely my personal brand of intellectual ##, whilst, in reality, I have never once dared to entertain any misconceptions about what I have been doing all these years to earn my scant measure of the daily bread. However, while stating those highly disappointing, yet accurate, salary comparisons between fast food workers in the USA and ESL teachers on the international circuit, you must try not to loose sight of those all- important educational/cultural differences between the two social classes. Youre not going to tell me that, despite the $15.28 per hour, youd be satisfied with the brand of slavery expected in a US fast food establishment benefits or no? Merde, Amigo! A typical nebbish in one of those places has never seen the senior year of a high school, let alone the specialized training you have had. And what about the worldly knowledge you have obtained via your travels in conjunction with ahem our profession? Sure sure youre likely to get robbed now and then. Christ, they just took a local dentist to the pokey for having taken far too many of his patients to the cleaners! That, unfortunately, is the way of the world. ME I have always loved New York City but ONLY for its points of advantage. All the rest, you can empty into the trash can for the weekly pickup. Now its the same here in LA, although I can well recall when I truly enjoyed residing in this burg. So be it with the language teaching biz. (Amen)

So sure, Robbie-Baby, that Coffee Bean or Starbucks clerk (after at least one years experience) could be doing as well as c$15/hr including tips and benies but but Im as sure as hell you would pass on any of the routine responsibilities of the gig once having observed same! After so many years, Im fairly burned out with teaching ... thats a fact, Jack! But Ill not lie by telling you that (a)Im going to quit or (b)that theres a better place awaiting me. Christ Jesus! By this late date, I've been just about everywhere, and I've come to the conclusion that each locale is just about the same as the other. Nay! Nay! I have finally come to my senses and, like a lifes mate, have accepted it for better or worse.

Yours, for better bitching,

The Arrogant One

Messages In This Thread
The word CAN'T is not part of my language. - Teachers Discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-06-13
Sure CAN'T - Teachers Discussion -- Arnie -- 2006-06-14
"Can't" be damned! - Teachers Discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-06-15
What Profession???? Just a 1 year Contract - Teachers Discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-06-15
ESCAPE? WHERE, pray tell, kind sir? - Teachers Discussion -- The Arrogant One -- 2006-06-17
I've heard that uttered here - Teachers Discussion -- Rheno747 -- 2006-06-17
1.Escape and 2. Korean Education System - Teachers Discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-06-18
Escape this Profession - Teachers Discussion -- Robin Day B.Sc. MSc. B.Ed. -- 2006-06-16
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › ESCAPE? WHERE, pray tell, kind sir? - Teachers Discussion

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