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Been There - 2015-10-06

It is my experience that Americans have a hard time adapting to the upside down order of things: Like someone said in this thread, their sense of exceptionalism clashes with the materialistic cynicism of Chinese bosses.

I don't know what would make Aussies "repellent" to adaptation. Do they feel the same sense of exceptionalism that Americans feel?

Make no mistake, I would go for Americans and Aussies any time. But when they go to China to teach for 6 to 10-12 months... shouldn't they be ready to adapt ("it's those who adapt who survive")? I can understand the missionary types, even Americans, who subdue their egos to a "higher" goal and in the process, sell their soul to materialistic bosses. But what state of mind brings the run of the mill American? No enough jobs in America? Wants to "give" his knowledge of the English language or wants to make a difference in a developing country, like another poster wrote? What is your deep motivation?

Messages In This Thread
Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Ron -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- HerpidtyDerp -- 2015-10-23
Three things FTs have a right to expect -- Twice Shy -- 2015-10-07
Re Three things FTs have a right to expect -- Caring -- 2015-10-07
Re: Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Been There -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Laowaiguoren -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- martin hainan -- 2015-10-06
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