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Mary Nessinger - 2015-10-06

Also beware of a school in the Gangnam area "Gangnam English Academy"that a supposed Harvard graduate started with his Swedish Model girlfriend (A[edited] K[edited] and J[edited] F[edited]) who do "reality shows" , They promise you they are different because they are "Americans" . For the following reasons beware

1.They have you sign a contract they have no intention of following through with.

2. They will tell you you will not have to work the long hours that the Korean schools do, but in fact you will work more. (What they count as "work" will not be the same definition as yours, they will expect you to come in on your days off to "sell" the program You will start and feel like "There must be a misunderstanding here? and they will have you work hours that you did not agree to; Then they start the "Gas Light Treatment" you when you say, "thats not what we agreed" they will say, what are you talking about? of course it is...or it's just for awhile. Slowly they will wear down your boundaries till even you cant remember what the truth of the agreement was.

3. "Good Cop Bad Cop- if you try to resolve any issues they will point the finger at the other one and say'"ask A[edited] or See what J[edited] thinks" This particular tactic will go on for weeks till your so worn out you give up.

4 .The they wont pay you until you uncomfortably ask for your check . Then its not like a normal Korean Check; they won't take out all the government things they are supposed to like taxes etc... nothing. You will go through this often be prepared to fight for your money.

5.They will not give you a housing stipend like other Korean Schools so be prepared to pay the 5000 dollars or more of "key money" to rent a place yourself. They of course will tell during the interview that they will help with that, but the money will never appear.

6. If thats not bad enough, you will never get the supplies you need, books, lesson plans, no direction what so ever. They make up lesson plans to show the parents which NEVER happen. Its a total scam- HEard the director call it more like "summer camp" than an actual school. RUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!!!!

Messages In This Thread
Beware of Wonderland English School in Pohang, South Korea -- Caesar B. -- 2010-06-03
Re Beware of Wonderland English School in Pohang, South Korea -- Amanda -- 2018-05-24
Re Beware of Wonderland English School in Pohang, South Korea -- Mary Nessinger -- 2015-10-06
Re Beware of Wonderland English School in Pohang, South Korea -- Twice Shy -- 2015-10-07
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