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Twice Shy - 2015-10-07

I find it extremely arrogant and ignorant that you would say Americans have high expectations when coming to China. As an American who has been teaching in China for a while now I've only met a few "high-maintenance" foreigners. Mostly older Americans who have some sense of entitlement; but this has been few and far between. I've also met foreigners from other countries who meet the same criteria. Also your comment regarding Australians speaks of the stupidity it was made with. I have many very good friends who are still helping me now from down under. Yes some are faux friends but there is no monopoly of that behavior in ANY culture. EVERY FT has three things they should reasonably expect:

A) The job agreed to is the job they arrive to facilitate; NOT we'll find you a job the one we told about doesn't exist.
B) The salary in the contract is what is paid with no skimming, scamming, or skirting of the contract details.
C) Local help when necessary. An FT is exactly that: a person foreign to local services and availabilities.

Most of the time the last one is of no issue. However I've also had to deal with Chinese persons ASSIGNED to help the FTS who are so lazy they wouldn't make a simple phone call or send a text. The attitude is: "figure it out for yourself". I find that insane and extremely ignorant. A foreign person who is "sponsored" to a western country is given all of the help necessary WHEN necessary.

You commented on how Canadians are exemplary in their behavior. Buh? I know one teacher personally who constantly screams at his students and call them and I quote: "Bit--es, c--ts, a--h-les" and other expletives that are not TOLERATED in other cultures. This person is a great person OUTSIDE of the classroom but a horror inside. The behavior of Canadians I've observed in Canada and in China mimics that of the Asian culture: "If you have something I can use, take from you, or give me an advantage great otherwise I have no use for you". I've observed cronyism, cliquism, and instant US against YOU even in non-competitive or what should have been completely homogeneous work environments.

I've seen fake stories created about non-Canadian teachers, out-right lies, back-stabbing, and posturing for no reason other than personal power gain or self interest. This is all wonderfully Chinese. I don't like attacking cultures but I also despise ignorant, un-thought through, un-washed, and un-intelligent spoutings about a people or persons. Peace.

Messages In This Thread
Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Ron -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- HerpidtyDerp -- 2015-10-23
Three things FTs have a right to expect -- Twice Shy -- 2015-10-07
Re Three things FTs have a right to expect -- Caring -- 2015-10-07
Re: Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Been There -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Laowaiguoren -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- martin hainan -- 2015-10-06
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