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HerpidtyDerp - 2015-10-23

I want to agree.

Generally speaking and for some reason I can't explain, Canadians seem to be especially good at submerging into different cultures, rolling with the flow and will try and justify and even explain away problems while maintaining their classic polite natures.

And of course, having said that, I've sure met some of the passive-aggressive ones who are prone to 'sino-rage' because of their needs and expectations of fairness.

Australians do seem to have a special problem with their biggest douchebags somehow being the ones traveling around being obnoxious, loudmouths, a peculiar sort of arrogance. I don't actually believe Australians on the whole are this way. Its just something about the ones showing up in China. The OP is right, know-it-all smug loudmouths who triple the obnxious factor with a single beer. I cannot believe they represent Australia. Its just something like how the most obnoxious Mainlanders are the same who love stampeding Hong Kong I think.

For some comical reason it seems in every city I always see a group of young sexpat, beer chugging dumbfucks annoying loudmouths and like a 'formula' there seem to be 2 Eastern Europeans, an Irishman, a German or two, an American and the German with the tightest clothes will be in a race with the Australian (theres always one Aussie douche) but to see who's the biggest loudmouth. It seems the Aussie always comes out on top as the biggest loudest fight-picking shithead King of the group yes lol

Messages In This Thread
Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Ron -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- HerpidtyDerp -- 2015-10-23
Three things FTs have a right to expect -- Twice Shy -- 2015-10-07
Re Three things FTs have a right to expect -- Caring -- 2015-10-07
Re: Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Been There -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- Laowaiguoren -- 2015-10-06
Re Those FTs most suitable for mainland China -- martin hainan -- 2015-10-06
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