View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang
Teacher Penang - 2015-10-24

You can read it time and time again on the internet where a teacher who is dismissed from a company vents his/her spleen anonymously online with throwing accusations around about things he/her knows nothing about.

If this company got you a working visa then you weren't working illegally and you were probably stated as non-teaching staff on your contract & visa because you either don't have a first degree or a recognised teaching qualification so for visa purposes it isn't possible to recognise you as a teacher. In which case you are responsible for being underqualified and should have been grateful for the break and seen it as an opportunity to get qualified whilst working.

Why someone wearing tights to work (you should have addressed it with her directly if you felt so strongly, are you always this ineffective?), or whether the company has a policy of employing within the owner's family/why the sexuality of a foreign manager is mentioned in your post is clearly indicative of your resentment at being dismissed but totally off topic.

You clearly weren't "happy you left", you were dismissed for being disrespectful. That falls under gross misconduct. If you were so unhappy then you ought to have left earlier and found employment elsewhere, life's about choices and taking responsibility for yourself not blaming everyone else when something doesn't work out for you.

Messages In This Thread
STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang -- NowIKnow -- 2015-08-08
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang -- GPEX No no no -- 2015-11-23
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang -- Brainsmart gpex itp penang malaysia -- 2016-01-04
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang -- just wondering about itp / jpex -- 2015-11-26
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang -- GPEX No no no -- 2016-01-07
Re STAY AWAY from GPEX/ITP Edu in Malaysia- esp Penang -- Teacher Penang -- 2015-10-24
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