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Caring - 2015-10-29

What readers of forums ought to see ought to be up to the readers themselves for reasons. Because forums are mostly about the few user names that look out for themselves, readers are sadly reduced to partial debates which at times (when challenged) end up as you say in “encounters”. Moreover, as readers look through the one-sided contribution, some of them, if not many, are skeptical about the information posted. Should the internet serve a few people, protect the interests of the site owners or assist viewers remains at question.

Participating on forums, to me and I hope to others, is a privilege as much as is, in my view, owning/managing a website/forum. What is worrying is that when one, two or a handful of users on a forum aren’t able to agree to disagree and instead they choose to derail topics posting loads of their own opinions. This is where sometimes aggravations in discussions begin.

Since you have picked me to address the issues, you must have noticed the defensive approach on the topic rather than personal one initially. I hope we can agree to agree or disagree on this one. Otherwise, this all would really be just a really one-sided place to meet.

Over and Out

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Re Different strokes for different blokes/folks -- Caring -- 2015-10-29
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