Rin - 2015-10-30
In response to Re VISA (drrjon)

Can said student visa be used by an FT to teach in a Sichuan county without harassment by the local PSB were an under the table payment to have been made in advance to the county PSB by an agent? Most certainly, in my view - and I know of a Sichuan agent who wouldn't think twice before going down that route!

Messages In This Thread
Re VISA -- drrjon -- 2015-10-30
Re VISA -- Rin -- 2015-10-30
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-10-31
Re VISA -- make statements -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- drrjon -- 2015-11-03
Re VISA -- Laughing -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-11-02

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