cautiouscarl - 2015-10-31
In response to Re VISA (Rin)

It probably could be used but the question is would you want to be looking over your shoulders all the time?

All it takes is for a sweep similar to what happened in Yuncheng and any backhanders that have been paid become irrelevant.

I know for a fact ENFLY have started sending people to China on an X2 visa. A poster on here talked about a similar gambit and whilst not directly mentioning them, its odds on that he/she was recruited by them. Probably because this gives the longest time in China without the need for a resident permit.

I urge anybody to take heed of what is said over and over on this and other boards do not take the risk of working on anything other than a z visa (other than perhaps no more than a month at the start of a new contract if you are certain that a HK visa run is doable and the school can legally hire foreigners).

Its your ass on the line and you that would ultimately be the fall guy not any agency or recruiter should you get busted.

Messages In This Thread
Re VISA -- drrjon -- 2015-10-30
Re VISA -- Rin -- 2015-10-30
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-10-31
Re VISA -- make statements -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- drrjon -- 2015-11-03
Re VISA -- Laughing -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-11-02

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