cautiouscarl - 2015-11-02
In response to Re VISA (make statements)

I never said you was. If you read my message carefully you would have realised that. A native speaker of English would have done so.

I do know for fact that the OP who asked in the first place was recruited by Enfly as I have personally been in contact with her and quite frankly what she has said is simply appalling about the web of lies they have spun her. Luckily she has the financial ability to get out before she gets stuck in their web.

If you or anyone else chooses to ignore the warnings and like living like someone on the run then that is your own right but I certainly would not wish to. Again I advise anyone heed the warnings which have been plastered everywhere for ages and ages, the days of prancing around China ducking and diving are getting thinner by the day and it is your ass on the line.

Good luck!

Messages In This Thread
Re VISA -- drrjon -- 2015-10-30
Re VISA -- Rin -- 2015-10-30
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-10-31
Re VISA -- make statements -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- drrjon -- 2015-11-03
Re VISA -- Laughing -- 2015-11-02
Re VISA -- cautiouscarl -- 2015-11-02

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