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The Trader - 2015-11-03

Hi all
I have decided on early retirement from my job in the UK. I have done my thirty years to qualify for a pension in some years time. I will be coming to China in about a month where I have managed to get a job in a training centre. The main reason for my move to China is to find a decent wife. I am fed up to the teeth with western women. They(the middle aged ones) only seem to want your house and/or your money. I don't have either. I have been to dating agencies(online) and if they don't want your property they are hell-bent on making sure they don't give you any of theirs. I have a friend on another stall who spent years teaching in China and he says the women have a more sincere outlook regarding men. But what I want to know is are there any pitfalls? Will I be free to marry a Chinese girl at my age of 55? I am told I won't be able to work there when I reach 60. Any tips will be appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Finding a wife -- The Trader -- 2015-11-03
Re Finding a wife -- martin hainan -- 2015-11-04
Re Finding a wife -- The Trader -- 2015-11-04
Re Finding a wife -- Max -- 2015-11-03
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