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martin hainan - 2015-11-04
In response to Finding a wife (The Trader)

Tip #2: China now has 30 million men between the ages of 18 and 35 who cannot find wives. They have little money so they cannot compete for the available single women, thanks to the one-child policy and cultural preference for male children.
Tip #3: The widely held Western belief that "Asian Women" are meek, sweet and attentive is a delusion and certainly does not apply to contemporary Chinese women.
Tip #4: Chinese women in the 35+ age bracket are considered 剩女, left-over women. They are amenable to remarrying foreign men IF the foreign man has money and is willing to stay in China.
Tip #5: These women, like other Chinese women, are out-spoken in their relationships and require attention, fidelity and are eager to control the behavior of their husbands because of cultural values and their past unsuccessful relationships.
Tip #6: Older women from rural areas are less demanding, but you will be marrying the village, or at least a significant portion of it where you will be expected to financially contribute and routinely visit.
Tip #7: If you NEED to make money in China, you will not qualify for any of these women. If you already have money and are just working for the visa, choose a public school or university, not a private school.
Tip #1: if you cannot find a wife in your own hemisphere, the problem is not 'women', it is you.

Messages In This Thread
Finding a wife -- The Trader -- 2015-11-03
Re Finding a wife -- martin hainan -- 2015-11-04
Re Finding a wife -- The Trader -- 2015-11-04
Re Finding a wife -- Max -- 2015-11-03
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