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The Trader - 2015-11-04
In response to Re Finding a wife (martin hainan)

Hi Martin
Thanks for all your points of advice. I will copy all your advice and mull over it.

As for tip number one, you could well be right, but the fact remains that I want a wife.

As for tip 7. I couldn't find a public school to accept me. I consider myself lucky to get the the private school position. It's only 12000 RMB for about 30 hours a week (19 of them actually teaching) They are going to pay for a flat. Is that fairly all right? I am a bit disappointed because my friend he also applied, we were hoping to go together, but they refused him. He says it was because he is coloured, but I can't see it these days. He does have better academic qualification than me it's true, with a degree. But I think he just failed to come across well on the skype interview, and he did bellow a bit down the mike, which is down to years of selling veg and fruit in the market.

Messages In This Thread
Finding a wife -- The Trader -- 2015-11-03
Re Finding a wife -- martin hainan -- 2015-11-04
Re Finding a wife -- The Trader -- 2015-11-04
Re Finding a wife -- Max -- 2015-11-03
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