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DB - 2006-06-25
In response to Where are you, T.C. ? - Teachers Discussion (Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U)

Hey Rheno..I for one appreciate your postings, not only for the humor I find there - nor simply for your advice to newbies, which they should appreciate. Nope, I appreciate you most for your willingness to tell it like it is, and for the good times you have while doing it. Those who would slight you for your "damned if I won't tell it like it is" attitude, in my opinion, are living in a Pollyanna world wherein the truth, lest it offend someone, need not or should not be told.

Part of this whole ugly truth about esl/efl teaching is that so many of the good positions in the states or elsewhere are only available to those with overseas experience. The TESOL schools happily and glibly inform you that there are "wonderful" experiences awaiting you abroad once you have completed their program. Ah,would that it were so - not some of the time, but most of the time.

I was pretty fortunate myself. Had some great teaching positions in America. Made some good money. But reached a burn out point and thought heading to Asia would rejuvenate me. Truth be told it has, but only after paying some extreme dues and even in a way reinventing myself.

But all the reinventing I can manage will never erase my basic convictions. Yeah, lying and cheating and downright backstabbing will never sit right with me. Nor will I feel good about erasing my notions about my own abilities. I won't put them aside and become "the white faced clown" just so that I can pad the pockets of those who could care less about the betterment of their students.

So, I just keep on keepin' on, and I find that there are always a handful of students who progress and benifit by my teaching style and my belief in student centered activities vs. the teacher making a damn fool of himself and forgetting such things as dignity and honor. And I find that if I run when necessary, there are definitely greener pastures to be found elsewhere. Yeah, life's too short to hang around where you're getting lied to and/or cheated.

On the other side of the coin is what we used to say in the navy: "A bitchin' sailor is a happy sailor." Hmmmm, I doubt seriously if it was an enlisted man who thought that one up; however, there is some truth to the fact that venting can sometimes help us to find our balance.

Well then my friend, I support you 100% and only laugh at those who attack you for your honesty and integrity. Yeah, someday they'll take their Pollyanna rear ends back home and paint a glowing picture of their "wonderful teaching experiences abroad." And, who knows? Maybe they'll land that great teaching position and be praised for their cultural sensitivity. Good for them. But really, if I could tell anyone to shut up, it would be they not you. Why? Because obviously they don't care about those who will be coming here. If they did, they would find a way to advise them to avoid the pitfalls. So far, the only advice I see coming from your detractors is for you to keep your complaints to yourself. Or stated simply, "don't tell it like it is Rheno, let those who are carrying their 'ink still drying diplomas' make their own mistakes."

In China there is an age-old concept of "the others." That's anyone outside of your village or your family, and hey, they just don't matter and should be treated with mistrust and you better get over on them before they get over on you. (Yes, things are changing, but this attitude is still prevalent in many parts of China.) Maybe your detractors have been affected by that attitude. They seem to care less about warning the newcomers/others or even providing them with some much needed advice.

Ok, just rambling...........take it easy........and..........keep on keepin' on.

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Thanks, DB. I appreciate the support. - Teachers Discussion -- Rheno747, B.A., M.A., PhD, Hard Knocks U -- 2006-06-28
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