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Jay - 2015-11-14

Okay so here is my questions, and I have a few...

First thing I need to mention is I do not have a B.A. degree, and therefore apparently I cannot get a working Z visa in China.

Therefore limiting my options to zero on bringing my family over to China after I get there working on an L visa.

My wife and I have been married for over 13 years and we have 2 children ( a daughter who is 12 years old and our son who is 6 years old)

Well after some long discussions over the years, we ( wife and I ) finally decided that we have had enough of living “hand to mouth” and
we wanted to move out of Canada and somewhere abroad. After much research we decided that China seemed like the place to go and be.

So the wife and I got our TESOL's, and I ( husband ) have been looking for work in China ever since ( July 2015 ).

The goal was that I would go over and they ( the family ) would follow behind me when the kids are done school in June 2016.

But as everything in life goes, nothing worked out the way it should.

So in theory, the wife and I would get L visa’s and work "under the table" an off "the radar" which is apparently the “norm" in China. But with
that said, this would mean that the kids would than not be able to attend school of which is obviously not a good thing in any ones books.

An agent explained to me that the only option I had was to get a Z Visa, and then apply on my own for the family to join me. But in the same breath they said that schools are very unlikely to sponsor someone with a B.A. degree.

So why bother telling me about getting a Z Visa right?

Another agency said that the kids could get X1 ( student ) visa.

And yet another agency even suggested to me to just come over and work and have the family visit me on an L visa
for a couple of months at a time and then go back home when the L Visa were up.

This confused me because a different agency said that you come over on a L Visa to teach and that every 60 days you need to go to Hong Kong or a check point and they will renew it for you WITHOUT questions.
This seemed very odd to me. How can you get a VISA for1 year and have to check in 6 times and NEVER be asked what you are doing there that you want these extensions? Maybe this is true, I don't know?

So with the above said.... here are my list of questions...

1) Can and should one work in China on an L Visa?
2) Is this renewing of the L Visa a normal and logical occurrence?
3) Could the kids get an X1 Visa?
4) What are the odds on ever getting any form of status ( other Visa's ) in China to stay for good and teach ESL without a B.A. degree?
5) Could the kids go to school on L visa's?
6) Can a school really sponsor a none B.A. Degree holder so they can get a work permit?
7) If I get a Working Visa ( school sponsor ) can I than bring ( sponsor ) my family on my own?
8) What are the odds on getting caught while working on a L Visa?
9) Are you allowed to work under any circumstances on an L Visa?
10) If you get caught working on an L Visa, what could possible happen? ( worse and best case scenario )
11) Is it worth the risk ( if any ) to go an work in China as an ESL teacher on an L Visa?
12) The difference between a business visa and tourist visa in regards to teaching ESL?

Thank you for all your help. If you have ANY other information and views on this topic PLEASE feel free to express them. All information is relevant to me.



Messages In This Thread
China Visa Questions.. -- Jay -- 2015-11-14
Re China Visa Questions.. -- AC_YC -- 2015-11-15
Re China Visa Questions.. -- Kevin -- 2015-11-15
Re China Visa Questions.. -- martin hainan -- 2015-11-15
Re China Visa Questions.. -- The Trader -- 2015-11-15
Re China Visa Questions.. -- Kevin -- 2015-11-15
Re China Visa Questions.. -- Laughing -- 2015-11-15
Re China Visa Questions.. -- Kevin -- 2015-11-14
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