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Caring - 2015-11-16

“Rational and Professional” is higher in quality than insane or self-absorbed. To suggest teacher trainings may be helpful for anyone; however, to put forward fallacies in a primitive manner may be disrespectful for academics with different opinions than yours.

In countries like Nepal or China, the situation is such that you
can hardly do a good job if you only use English as a medium of instruction in class.
It's a thing that certain native teachers of ESL might say because they don't know any
other foreign language because they wan to sell themselves as the best bet on a
competing jobn market, but it doesn't mean that they are objectively right.
What the situation in China is doesn't necessarily have to be what you claim it is. The fact that you cannot do the job in English only doesn't mean all of us are as inept. Your reasoning with "because" twice in the sentence is followed by your inexcusable delusions there.

Therefore, I say a bit more academic, scholarly substance needs to be added to all those
programmes commonly offered by commercial providers, and for CELTA more language-related
topics needs to be included in the curriculum. It's better to look "high and
mighty" in attitude than offering sub-standard and at best mediocre English teacher
training and as a consequence sub-standard or at best mediocre ESL lessons in the
classroom. Students deserve better than that, and teachers poorly educated and qualified
are a disaster. No wonder that they receive less and less respect in China!
Your cocky attempt to conclude illustrates your poor character and inadequate skill to see the field of business and the job market objectively. Believe it or not there are more professional organizations/people than your room/you around. What "students deserve" depends on a lot more than you may think. Whether you learn to tone down your rhetorics or not remains to be seen on the board.
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Re "High and mighty" is better than sub-standard or mediocre at best -- Caring -- 2015-11-16
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