You don't have to live in China to know it's is the world leader in producing fake products, so it's no surprise that drugs for erectile dysfunction, or those with an increased appetite for sex, are not immune from the fakers. The ambiguity of the sub-heading of the article (intended or not) made me laugh."The workers claimed expenses for sleeping with prostitutes after being forced to test a cornflour-mixed product but resigned after it was too hard".
I don't remember mentioning 'erectile dysfunction' but if I did it must be because Turnoi and SB are always championing the patronage of prostitutes, and those two do go together I read.
Speaking of cornflower, Linda's uncle is a street trader, so we have something in common. I have been spending some time with him learning how to make bingzi. They make their own yeast using sweet-corn-flower. They first of all lay the shaped dough on a hot plate to get rigid (you should try that Turnoi) rigid enough to stand up (and not go floppy Turnoi) on end inside the brazier oven. of course there is a whole long process getting the twirl and getting bingzi to envelope to take the filling....often a pork stew that has been hanging about for months hee hee hee. Having said that, really tasty food. I like to learn about Chinese things and involve myself...there is more to China than whores SB, Turnoi.
- Re On the job satisfaction (?) -- The Trader -- 2015-12-06