View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Guang Zheng Preparatory School aka HS Kama International school
The CFT Watchers - 2015-12-12

The school; Remote area of Dongguan associated with Chashan. Teachers reportedly have left the school after only a short time due to the isolation.

One bus servicing the area at almost random times roughly once and hour.

Taxi drivers are notorious for taking advantage of this situation and gouging fares from foreign teachers. Round trip to Dong zheng for supplies and necessary things roughly 6-7 hours round trip. Shuttle bus provided on saturdays however destination is at the whim and will of the shuttle driver. Teachers have complained about having plans for destinations and the driver changing the plans for refusing to drive to areas the driver deems to be "too far away".

Housing is modified "quad" dorm rooms with no kitchen area. Teachers have reported potable water outages, power outages, no hot water even during the school scheduled hot water periods, no water pressure, air conditioning shut off during hot periods of the seasons, no heat, vermin infestation, and mosquito infestations in the rooms. Some rooms have growing water damage.

You will have a contract with the school, payday can be any day over a ten day span. Teachers have reported unresolved pay shortages. Students are observed as been physically confrontational to teachers, completely non-co operational and constantly disruptive. Teachers have reported as being helpless in these situations and unable to establish or teach curriculum. It has been observed that this is one of the worst student populations in China.

Teaching staff is lead by a Filipino national who is the foreign program principal. Staff consists of several Filipinos, Malaysians, Indians, One American and one Australian. It has been reported that the Filipino principal is trying to replace the other nationalities with an all Filipino staff. Teachers have been forced out of positions at this school with no warning, no reason given, and no detrimental actions by themselves.

Canteen card provided to teachers and a 200 RMB allowance. However it was observed that the food in the canteens is expensive and barely above drek. Be advised.

Messages In This Thread
Guang Zheng Preparatory School aka HS Kama International school -- The CFT Watchers -- 2015-12-12
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Re Guang Zhang Prep school and Warren Al##re aka "Mr. Warren" -- Sad*** -- 2016-01-28
Re Guang Zhang Prep school and Warren Al##re aka "Mr. Warren" -- Dr.*** -- 2016-01-29
Re Guang Zheng Preparatory School aka HS Kama International school -- CFTU Debunker -- 2015-12-12
The CFT Watchers and the CFTU -- The CFT Watchers -- 2015-12-12
Re The CFT Watchers and the CFTU -- CFTU Debunker -- 2015-12-13
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