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Andrew Cort - 2016-01-03

I have applied to two TESOL programs and need to make a decision as to which one to enter within 2-weeks.

#1- Master of Arts in TESOL (All-TESOL classes + 8-16 weeks practicum) vs.
#2- Master of Science in Education - Specialization in English Language Learning and Teaching (Half-Education classes + Half-TESOL classes + 5 weeks practicum).
-My mid-range goal is that after I have earned my Master’s I want to build several years of teaching experience into my resume as I continue my education and pursue a 3 year online doctorate in education (EdD) specializing in English as a Second Language and look for an adjunct instructor position at an online university.
-So, at face-value, which one will open up the most teaching opportunities for me?
-It seems to me that ‘subliminally’; degree #2 seems more impressive / carries more weight / is better-more important than degree #1 and has better prepared me for a teaching position. Am I putting too much emphasis on the verbiage? Your valued options please

Brief Background and Food For Thought:
-In June, I (Single male, age 63, good health, USA citizen-native speaker) will be living permanently in Guadalajara, Mexico. The teaching position I will be seeking will be in Guadalajara, either at a language school or university. I lived in Guadalajara from 1985-1990; I am conversant / proficient in Spanish.

-Someone wrote on a site, “you can't base the focus of a degree solely on its title/major; course content is key. For example, not all M.Ed degrees emphasize teaching practice, which is why some employers don't accept them. Plus, some MA in TESOLs are theoretic while others are practical.”. . . However, I don’t see how an employer would know about the ‘course content’ or how theoretical/practical based a degree program is (out of the hundred or more universities offering this degree) unless one had to submit the program’s curriculum along with the credentials . . .(Is this true) ??

Thanking you in advance,

Messages In This Thread
Master's in TESOL -- Andrew Cort -- 2016-01-03
Re Master's in TESOL -- martin hainan -- 2016-01-04
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