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Caring - 2016-01-09

Yes, communists ARE the representatives of Chinese people and everyone knows it, [edited]. Who foreigners usually don't meet is the communists, not the "resistance groups" that you're suggesting here. Party members are routinely told not to socialize with outsiders, especially foreigners and that for the "obvious reasons" you are suggesting we don't meet the "resistance groups". The Chinese anti-communists surely sit down for a dinner or beer, or they'll happily play a tennis match with foreigners, if they can. I really don't know where you are writing from or what nation you have experiences with, but it somewhat seems you know little about China. [edited]

No, they are NOT representative. Perhaps, they think they are or claim to be. Like them, you
are far too unaware of the many small resistance groups that in some way oppose the
current system. Foreigners normally don't meet such people for obvious reasons.

Most importantly on the topic, some "Superstitious Practices" are a challenge to local officials which is the reason the issue is on. Sadly enough however, we're unable to agree on the board for "obvious reasons" too. You've got to love the power of media though.
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Re China: No Superstitious Practices Allowed -- Caring -- 2016-01-09
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