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Caring - 2016-01-21

The billion and a half people country that is led by only a few ambitious leaders is alarming for its swiftly strengthened military, incompetent social evolution and a dreadful pollution increase of all kinds.

Since the quickly modernized army got its teeth, South/East China Seas have been claimed by the current Beijing government more assertively than by any Communist Party leaders from 20th century. The little islands or the ones that are being built, militarized or oil rigged, which Chinese regime is claiming in the waters in case, point to threats of unprecedented proportions. Taking over Northeast Asia like Genghis Khan did 800 or so years ago may not be as easy at the moment, and so calling together the places of seas surrounding the nation may be better not to enrage the international community too much. Had the communist regime not been allowed on the world stage in 1980s and into WTO 15 years ago, the PLA would have probably been a toothless bitch today.

For masses of people misled in their fields from education to entertainment, the Chinese society is developing around strict obedience, modern traditionalism and lacking social responsibilities. Public is expected to follow the authorities without questions, the present culture is to be respected unconditionally and what benefits a few supposedly is an advantage for many. Asking for an explanation to the poor traffic lights management, for reasons why kids in school point at me loudly that I am a foreigner or for a consideration to put the cigarette in public place out does more likely put one in a trouble. It is hard to imagine where The Peoples Republic would have been today, if its society was driven to responsible behaviors and the respect for laws, rules and regulations.

As the communal obligations spread into corporate social responsibilities, Chinese businesses have flooded markets with substandard products and practices. From primary industries with harmful foods and agricultural practices, through secondary ones with selfishly arrogant manufacturing ethics to tertiary sectors with services that look out for themselves more than for their customers, the threats have no borders. How the regime’s new generation is brought up to believe that what is right or wrong is as serious as it can get; what is addressed in schools or not is as worrying as it can be; and, who is served as examples to Chinese youngsters is as bothering as it can be as well. Had the Communist Party truly introduced the concept of what people’s duties are and enforced its laws and regulations accordingly, the politburo would have probably disappeared into the thin air which would have most likely be cleaner than it is today.

Behind all this may be the boom of a new feudal Middle Kingdom spreading who knows how far into Asia or a doom of a new culture that may destroy the world with its dictatorial and parasitic viral approach to life.

Messages In This Thread
Is China Dangerous? -- Caring -- 2016-01-21
Re Is China Dangerous? -- Sharp -- 2016-01-23
Re Is China Dangerous? -- nijao -- 2016-01-22
Re Is China Dangerous? -- Sharp -- 2016-01-23
Re Is China Dangerous? -- Caring -- 2016-01-22
Re Is China Dangerous? -- San Migs -- 2016-01-22
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