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Sharp - 2016-01-23
In response to Is China Dangerous? (Caring)

This huge nation is truly horrifying for exactly what you have pointed out.

...South/East China Seas have been claimed by the current Beijing government more assertively than by any Communist Party leaders from
20th century. ..Taking over .... Asia like Genghis Khan did .....
I have just seen Chinese adverts to privately purchase land on some of those islets. Yeah, speaking of leaders with blood on their hands that make Hitler look so little.

For masses of people misled in their fields from education to entertainment, the Chinese society is developing around strict obedience, modern traditionalism and lacking social responsibilities.....to follow the authorities without questions.......what benefits a few supposedly is an advantage for many........Asking for an explanation to the poor...management ......why kids in school point at me loudly that I am a foreigner... for a
consideration to put the cigarette in public
Most Chinese learn in schools not to question but follow which many of them do through out their lives then and expect everyone else to be the same. Most Chinese teach their kids to be racist as they bring them up believing they are different than waiguoren(foreingers). The non smoking bylaws that were only introduced to satisfy WHO and the international community stink, since few (including authorities) respect them.

As the communal obligations spread into corporate social responsibilities, Chinese businesses
have flooded markets with substandard products and practices.
Much of what is made (in China) ends up either recycled or thrown out which means that the strain is on the energy sector and environment. The real estate on mainland China is awful. Walls crack and roofs leak too often. The service industry is really like something that you may have if you are good (but if you complain, get out).

Behind all this may be the boom of a new feudal Middle Kingdom spreading who knows how far into Asia or a doom of a new culture that may destroy the world with its dictatorial and parasitic viral approach to life.
Yeah, Beijing has just signed quite a deal with Saudis that seem to have a fair amount of similarities in between. The fear of poor standards whether it is social or professional ought to be observed, and the history of wars and disrespect for other cultures should be looked at and that not only from 70 or 200 years ago but from way back in time.
Messages In This Thread
Is China Dangerous? -- Caring -- 2016-01-21
Re Is China Dangerous? -- Sharp -- 2016-01-23
Re Is China Dangerous? -- nijao -- 2016-01-22
Re Is China Dangerous? -- Sharp -- 2016-01-23
Re Is China Dangerous? -- Caring -- 2016-01-22
Re Is China Dangerous? -- San Migs -- 2016-01-22
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