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Dr.TurdBurglar - 2016-02-07
In response to Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! (Todd)

Hahah oh man they were using that 'showed up late for class' BS thing again eh?

Yes, they LOVE it. They all do this. They know teachers are jet-lagged or obviously have great difficulty getting to a school via Chinese transportation or don't know the route but LOVE when you are late so that can become the single biggest deadly sin on the planet.

They LOVE pretending this was terrible and parents were really upset and pulling the kids out of school and why the 10 minutes you were late for a 2-hour lesson was a big big issue. Its why you are now disqualified from a raise, its now justifies the missing money, the extra hours, the submission you must make and OH how they love the 'Late' thing.

In fact, this is people who routinely arrive late, start classes late, managers who are constantly late, people who constantly forget to tell you a class is canceled or there is no classes today (after you arrive). hahah

Wow, this is a typical shitty Chinese school with the typical staff who actually believe they are treating you well. In fact, in any other civilized country they would be considered assholes and abusive. But in China they don't know any better. they think they are doing you a favor by just being disrespectful and rude.

Messages In This Thread
(Message Deleted by Poster) -- Todd -- 2011-05-23
Re China: Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Laowai -- 2011-07-06
If you have a chance to work for OE, Do it! -- Terry B -- 2012-07-26
Re: Corrupt School - Optimum English -- Herman -- 2018-03-29
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Confu -- 2011-06-09
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ESL Teachers United -- 2011-08-21
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Todd -- 2011-06-10
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dr.TurdBurglar -- 2016-02-07
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Ferdi -- 2011-06-03
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Todd -- 2011-06-04
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- oe -- 2013-02-01
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-02
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ASTF -- 2013-02-02
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-06
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Mancunian S -- 2013-02-07
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ASTF -- 2013-02-07
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-07
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- oe -- 2013-02-02
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Dragonized -- 2013-02-07
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Optimum English -- 2011-06-03
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- starboyNottingham -- 2012-05-23
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Todd -- 2011-06-03
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Betty -- 2011-06-12
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Kevin -- 2011-05-27
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Apollyon -- 2011-05-27
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Kevin -- 2011-05-27
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- San Mig Beer -- 2011-05-24
Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Beijing Blacklist -- 2011-05-24
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ??? -- 2011-08-10
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Chris -- 2016-02-06
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- ??? -- 2012-03-12
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Interview.... -- 2013-01-16
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: BEWARE! -- Mancunian -- 2013-01-16
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- foxy -- 2013-01-16
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- San Migs -- 2013-01-21
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- San Migs -- 2013-01-21
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- Pork -- 2013-10-13
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- Jason -- 2017-03-03
Re: Re Optimum English/Jinan: very helpful! -- Former_OE_Teacher -- 2018-03-29
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