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martin hainan - 2016-02-13

As the recruitment season for September 2016 FT positions begins in China, for those reading this forum who are considering accepting a teaching position in China, these pages contain many important caveats about selecting the right position and protecting yourself during the recruitment process. There are also many many comments about the career shortcomings of employment in China.

What these pages do not tell you is that teaching in China is an opportunity for a joyful and life-changing experience as you participate in the learning process of many students whose lives are fascinatingly different from your own. Given your difference in culture and the frenetic pace of change in Chinese society, teaching these students is an opportunity for you to significantly impact their view of the world and to assist them in contributing to China's new global prominence.

As a foreign teacher, the vast majority of Chinese people will treat you as a valued guest in their country and be eager to help you when you are in need. It would serve you well to respectfully reciprocate.

Most importantly, teaching in China, or anywhere else, is an opportunity for your own personal growth. I wish you well in your teaching and sincerely hope that when you do finally leave China, you leave wiser and more accepting of the world and its rich diversity of humanity.

Messages In This Thread
counterpoint -- martin hainan -- 2016-02-13
Re counterpoint -- Sharp -- 2016-02-14
Re counterpoint -- Paul Greene -- 2016-02-13
Re counterpoint -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-13
Re counterpoint -- Laughing -- 2016-02-13
Re counterpoint -- Paul Greene -- 2016-02-14
Re counterpoint -- Dr. EestiExpert -- 2016-02-13
Re counterpoint -- Paul Greene -- 2016-02-14
Re counterpoint -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-13
Re counterpoint -- Dr. EestiExpert -- 2016-02-13
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