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Dr. EestiExpert - 2016-02-13
In response to Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: (John O'Shei)

I agree with this comment. For whatever reason Englsh training centers (and yep, Unis and public schools sometimes) attract oddballs, snakes and mentally unstable. I sometimes wonder if the latter is a 'result' of the former but point being it does seem like an insane asylum and not in a wacky movie plot way. In a way that wants to take you with it.

Generally speaking I do not hang around with other foreign teachers or foreigners and I do not ignore them either. Which is something else I find bizarre when other FTs are strangely suspicious, ignorant or even have peculiar 'challenging' attitudes towards other foreigners. I don't really understand that either but its a negative I see too often.

But do find good people and stay in touch with them. I have a small circle of foreign contacts and in fact we rarely meet or rarely contact each other but when we do its all about support, references, recommendations or something helpful.

but good advice from John overall there.

Messages In This Thread
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- Paul Greene -- 2016-02-09
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- Deal with it -- 2016-02-09
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- Dr. EestiExpert -- 2016-02-11
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- Paul Greene -- 2016-02-12
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- San Migs -- 2016-02-12
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- Dr. EestiExpert -- 2016-02-13
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-13
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-12
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- Dr. EestiExpert -- 2016-02-13
Re Abused esl teacher need some advice: -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-12
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