martin hainan - 2016-02-23

The treatment of China by the most 'energetic' contributors to this forum exhibits a long tradition of "Orientalism". Those unfamiliar with this term would do well to read Edward Said's book of that name which gives historical context to the "distinction between Western superiority and Oriental [or those who are clearly not British] inferiority."

Individuals who rant on online forums are seldom self-reflective. In a "Teachers Discussion Forum", however, I trust that there are a few contributors who, as teachers, are committed to examining the basis of their beliefs and the causation of their anger.

Messages In This Thread
the other -- martin hainan -- 2016-02-23
Re the other -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-24
Re the other -- Caring -- 2016-02-23
Re: Re the other -- Curious -- 2016-02-23

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