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Max Walsh - 2016-02-23
In response to Re Not Moaning ! (Chuckling)

I agree with some of what you said. I have also met some, I would say many foreigners in China who are as bad as the Chinese themselves. I mean no morals, ethics, totally dishonest individuals. I agree that a Chinese wife could be useful for translation purposes, and a few other things. On the other hand, many foreigners can speak Chinese these days. As for me, I am ineligible to marry a Chinese girl anyway, could not marry one even if I wanted to , as I won't purchase an apartment here. I think your post was good however, some food for thought.

Messages In This Thread
Stop Moaning ! -- Paul Fox -- 2016-02-19
Re Stop Moaning ! -- Caring -- 2016-02-22
Re Stop Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-22
Re Not Moaning ! -- Chuckling -- 2016-02-22
Re Not Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- Chuckling -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- San Migs -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- Chuckling -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- San Migs -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-25
Re Not Moaning ! -- San Migs -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-25
Re Stop Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-22
Re Stop Moaning ! -- Sharp -- 2016-02-20
Re Stop Moaning ! -- Paul Fox -- 2016-02-21
Re Stop Moaning ! -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-19
Re Stop Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-20
Re Stop Moaning ! -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-20
Re Stop Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-20
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Not Moaning !

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