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BinderDundat - 2016-02-24
In response to Re Not Moaning ! (Chuckling)

Well its true that many people do teach here without work visas (illegal) it doesnt really mean anything they are married to locals. In itself that doesn't help a person or make them any more 'untouchable' than anyone else.

Now, its also true very very very few people every actually get 'deported' for this. I do know people just here on L-Visas (which is common) who've been found out and simply had to stop working at that particular job.

Do you know what seems to make the difference? I DO KNOW of obnoxious party boys (some are well over 'boy' ages) but who were smashing it up at the local laowai bar with their fellow high-fiving 'watch how I fuck with this local staring back at him in a stare-off heahhhl' attitude.

They were given the boot when caught out.

Thing is.. but that also happened to a few of the same types who had legit Z-visas but got in trouble for fist-fighting or fired from their job for drinking/sex with students (by that i mean uni students or adults to be clear here).

So.. point being you aren't at any greater advantage (not necessarily) being married. Arguably the authorities MAY be less interested in deporting someone who is living in, married to, spending money in China.

But I'd suggest that a guy whos' married and decides to go back to his ole laowai 'crew' to high-five and be a fucktard causing shit everywhere and hooting like an arrogant douchebag is ALSO as likely to get deported as the rest of the crew.

Messages In This Thread
Stop Moaning ! -- Paul Fox -- 2016-02-19
Re Stop Moaning ! -- Caring -- 2016-02-22
Re Stop Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-22
Re Not Moaning ! -- Chuckling -- 2016-02-22
Re Not Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- Chuckling -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- San Migs -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- Chuckling -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- San Migs -- 2016-02-23
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-25
Re Not Moaning ! -- San Migs -- 2016-02-24
Re Not Moaning ! -- Max Walsh -- 2016-02-25
Re Stop Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-22
Re Stop Moaning ! -- Sharp -- 2016-02-20
Re Stop Moaning ! -- Paul Fox -- 2016-02-21
Re Stop Moaning ! -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-19
Re Stop Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-20
Re Stop Moaning ! -- John O'Shei -- 2016-02-20
Re Stop Moaning ! -- BinderDundat -- 2016-02-20
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