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Caring - 2016-03-02

What's "criminal" to the Beijing's government isn't to the world that allows people to speak out or read. It seems you are not only confused about what is or isn't criminal in HK but also about what to reply to a quote you attempt to follow up on. So, what is different in between Hong Kong and Beijing is that they have two different systems that are in the "One country two systems" central government motto. Moreover, what is to differentiate is that the mainland officials overstepped their boundaries into their second system that is inconvenient to their first system. Anyhow, I see you unable to see who the true criminals are and how they often take advantage of their laws which they enforce whenever it's convenient to them. If I were you, rather than trolling, i'd take the right (not left) side when debating serious topics. Otherwise, you may continue bashing the Chinese private language centers that've apparently dismissed you some time ago.

Dr. T T Replied:
Freedom of speech is one thing, and we all know that this is currently not guaranteed by the Central government in Beijing.

If that government is strict on criminals, it's a different matter. It seems you are unable to differentiate between the two.

Caring wrote:
Can you imagine advertising the arrests of those Hong Kong people who criticized Beijing in Hong Kong?

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Re Missing HK Booksellers-Part Two -- Caring -- 2016-03-02
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