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Paul Fox - 2016-03-02

No nijao - you are wrong

If it's wrong, it's wrong and most of us don't give a flying [edited] whether a native says it or an immigrant says it

Most of the developed world is getting on with life, creating jobs and opportunities for people whilst countries in the middle-east are still at war over who owns the [edited] mulberry bush

These people are so narcissistic as to think that some fictitious 'god' created the world that they insist that their 'god' is better than any other 'god', when in reality there probably IS no [edited] 'god'

As kids we are taught to believe in the 'Easter Bunny', 'Father Christmas' and the 'tooth fairy', but when we grow out of those fantasies, along comes 'god'.....

Opinions and beliefs differ, but morals and ethics shouldn't

Is it right or wrong to rape, murder, steal?

Most Chinese think that the west is 'free'

haha..... go and live there for a few years and you'll see just how 'free' it is compared to China

We are fooled to believe we live in a democracy when a few people who hold power run our lives

I don't know where you live, but in my 'quaint-little-village' there are millions of e-bikes

I took a new colleague to buy one the other day and he was amazed that he just paid the money and drove it away

In the west there would be road-tax, insurance and a whole host of other charges, but in China it's just like buying a loaf of bread

If you crash it, it's broken - if it stolen, then buy another one, and in the meantime, drive it wherever you like. No tax, no insurance and no annual check-ups to make sure it's 'roadworthy'

If it's 'right' then it's 'right' - if it's 'wrong' then it's 'wrong'

If people hate China, then they should leave, because whingeing and moaning ain't gonna change nothin' !

Messages In This Thread
Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- lou -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Caring -- 2016-03-04
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- work it out -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- purple haze -- 2016-03-05
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Splunge -- 2016-03-06
Re: Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- JustSaying -- 2016-03-05
Re: Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- purple haze -- 2016-03-05
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Splunge -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- paul fox -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- John O'Shei -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Dragonized -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Caring -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- John O'Shei -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- xinyang -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- lou -- 2016-03-01
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