View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant
John O'Shei - 2016-03-02
In response to Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant (Paul Fox)

There's a big difference between genuinely saying something positive about China and lazily following your local Wu Mao Dang's orders with crappy short little posts written in Chinglish, like that one.

Also, what all those foreigners that only visit China for short business trips? They're normally actually pleased to go after two weeks.

Messages In This Thread
Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- lou -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Caring -- 2016-03-04
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- work it out -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- purple haze -- 2016-03-05
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Splunge -- 2016-03-06
Re: Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- JustSaying -- 2016-03-05
Re: Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- purple haze -- 2016-03-05
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Splunge -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- paul fox -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- John O'Shei -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Dragonized -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Caring -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- John O'Shei -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- xinyang -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- lou -- 2016-03-01
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