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Splunge - 2016-03-06
In response to Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant (purple haze)

I am interested though in his views on Chomsky, as he has a degree in Applied Linguistics


In all my years of reading this forum for amusement, I never once heard Silverboy mutter even the barest word concerning linguistics!

His opinion on Chomsky, indeed!

He would think you asking him about chomping on jiaozi instead.

Messages In This Thread
Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- lou -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Caring -- 2016-03-04
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- work it out -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- purple haze -- 2016-03-05
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Splunge -- 2016-03-06
Re: Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- JustSaying -- 2016-03-05
Re: Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- purple haze -- 2016-03-05
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Splunge -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- paul fox -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- John O'Shei -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Dragonized -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Caring -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- John O'Shei -- 2016-03-01
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- nijao -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- xinyang -- 2016-03-03
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- Paul Fox -- 2016-03-02
Re Not all Chinese work in a restaurant -- lou -- 2016-03-01
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