paul fox - 2016-03-13
In response to Safety (Paul Dou)

Not enough information.........

You can 'deal' with this 'idiot' in several ways but first you need to find out why he did this to you and be 100% certain that he did it on purpose.

I'm sure that after teaching for ten years you don't need to be reminded to 'stay calm'. You may even need to give him the 'benefit of the doubt' this time if he SAYS it was an 'accident'.

I had an aggressive student to deal with about 10 months ago - similar situation to you insofar as his English was useless - but now we get on well together, probably because I refused to just 'give up'.

Believe me when I say that I don't go in for the politically correct 'softly-softly, fluffy bunny' approach either!

There's ways to deal with people like this but you NEED to find out why he did this to you, or why he chose YOU to vent his anger upon. Until then there's little you can do other than complain to other teachers or the headteacher of his class (if he has one), but then you run the risk of making yourself appearing to be incapable of dealing with him ....I guess...

Messages In This Thread
Safety -- Paul Dou -- 2016-03-13
Re Safety -- San Migs -- 2016-03-13
Re Safety -- Paul Dou -- 2016-03-14
Re Safety -- paul fox -- 2016-03-13

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