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amused - 2016-03-27
In response to Re hypocrites (offend and humiliate)

Give Chinese women nothing, take them nowhere

Ah! So there again is the root of your dismay.

If you were back in your home country, fat unattractive poor unsuccessful, you would loath ALL women whom, in their gender entirety, refuse to be associated with you in any way other than for specified periods of times to perform specific acts for negotiated sums in private.

Since you are in China, it is Chinese women who recoil from your mortal coil and you protect your shattered ego by blaming the nation's women.

Again, get out of Starbucks, get off Wechat, exercize consistantly, dispose of your hair piece, purge your anger and perhaps, just perhaps, some young woman with a lack of self-esteem and poor eyesight will choose to pass your genetic material into the next generation, foiling natural selection.

Messages In This Thread
Re hypocrites -- offend and humiliate -- 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites -- amused -- 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites -- offend and humiliate -- 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites -- Bleh Blah -- 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites -- Bleh Blah -- 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites -- offend and humiliate -- 2016-03-26
Re hypocrites -- amused -- 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites -- offend and humiliate -- 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites -- Bleh Blah -- 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites -- offend and humiliate -- 2016-03-28
Re hypocrites -- Bleh Blah -- 2016-03-28
Re hypocrites -- amused -- 2016-03-27
Re hypocrites -- Bleh Blah -- 2016-03-27
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