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nijao - 2016-04-05

Would your definition of “cost” include environmental degradation; desertification;
suicides at FoxConn; air pollution and an increase in respiratory diseases?

Very good point. China need to improve in each of this areas.

Sorry, I just don’t see the connection at all with soldiers and regiments. This would imply
a common objective, chain of command and wearing the same uniform in the same unit.

Never mind this,it was not directed to you personally.

China’s exports are down and the main reason the government want to move to a consumption-
driven model for economic growth. The article from

I wouldn't put much attention to those articles or news in general about the economy of CH or any major country in the world struggling. It's like the price of oil in the world, totally manipulated and control by one or two players. The day the economy of CH will really decrease, it won't show any sign prior, same as the economy of JP.

“China has been gradually moving from the Soviet system [Material Product System] of
collecting information as an output model (measuring production by sectors with
information flowing from local officials up the chain) and towards the
internationally recognized system of national accounts (SNA), which relies not on
internal reporting but rather on sophisticated statistical surveys of consumer spending
and investment. Whilst China's systems have been gradually changing, the transition is
far from complete and China continues to operate on a version of output
[emphasis added]

I have no much to say about what you wrote above, it all sound Greek to me. Large economies always can adapt to any time and any situation, sample the dollar stores soon won't be called dollar stores anymore, it will be called more like the inexpensive stores with items 3 to 4 dollars.

You make some very good points. CH still on pace to become the largest economy of the world in the next years.

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Re you lot want it both ways in a FOREIGN country? -- nijao -- 2016-04-05
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