View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › Residence permit
Diggory - 2016-04-07

I met my wife a a good few years ago when myself and a several other retired friends at the local bowls club got all adventurous and visited China. Within a year of several visits to China we got married. Another couple of stressful years and I brought her home to the UK. Now don't get me wrong, I shouldn't complain because she remains passionate in bed, but she does spend most of her days, all day long, glaring at her HighPod, which isn't healthy for a young lady, and I can't get a word out of her- she won't work.

To cut a long story short, I feel she is homesick, so we are going to live in China. I understand, and please correct me if I'm wrong, that I can arrive on a holiday visa and then approach the PSB, or PSV for a residents permit of two years. Her home-town is Yuncheng but I think it may be too small to have a PSB and I will need to go to TaiYuan the capital city? If that's the case we could fly there directly, pick up the RP and then go on to Yuncheng and buy an apartment. Is this the way to do things? We touch down somewhere in China at the end of May. Thanks in advance for any advice. Diggory. PS, it's not essential but at 83 will they give me work teaching? For something to do you understand.

Messages In This Thread
Residence permit -- Diggory -- 2016-04-07
Residence permit -- Caring -- 2016-04-08
over and out -- Diggory -- 2016-04-08
Re over and out -- San Migs -- 2016-04-10
Re over and out -- Caring -- 2016-04-09
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