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Former FT in the PRC - 2016-04-08

"Mr [],

Further to your email to Janet McDougall regarding the annual payment of your teachers’ pension.

Please note that Mrs McDougall is no longer on this section and you should address all further correspondence regarding the payment of your pension to me until further notice.

We have had the following communication from our overseas payment provider Citibank:

“Dear Sir/Madam

With regards to the below payment:

Client Transaction Reference: 016338879
Citi Transaction Reference: KG2NCN4DMX0M
Payment Amount/Currency: GBP 2593.53
Payment Value Date: 30 Mar 2016
Beneficiary Bank: BKCHCNBJ880

Please be advised that the beneficiary bank has advised us that they are unable to apply the funds due to beneficiary name and account number differ from there records. We have requested them to apply the funds with the available details and return if they are still unable to apply. In case the funds are returned we shall update you accordingly.”

Is it possible for you to contact your bank and ask them to accept this payment? If not we will have to wait until Citibank return the funds to our account before we can re-issue the payment.

Please advise


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