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KJ - 2006-07-20
In response to Wrong-O! - Teachers Discussion (Raoul Duke)

I stand corrected, as the original quote was indeed "Methinks the lady doth protest too much." Or was it, "The lady doth protest too much methinks." Well, after 40 years of not studying Shakespeare, I think I can forgive myself for having a lapse of memory.
And I acknowledge your point about the real villians in this EFL in China business being not the teachers but the schools etc. However, I still contend that we the teachers can make a difference by demanding of ourselves and our profession a certain degree of excellence.
"Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie....."

Yet, again, I agree: The real villians are the aforementioned but I also want to reiterate my support for the students of this country, although, only a small percentage of them at this point can demonstrate any amount of true motivation or interest in learning English. Be that as it may, this is a big country and that small percentage amounts to hundreds of thousands.

Okay, sleep beckons and my brain doth fail me, but I think we can agree to disagree on some points and agree on others and can do so without malice.

Messages In This Thread
By the way Raoul - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-18
Wrong-O! - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-20
yes Raoul - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-20
Malice Toward None. (Or at least not many) - Teachers Discussion -- Raoul Duke -- 2006-07-20
Bravo, brothers! - Teachers Discussion -- Frank -- 2006-07-21
Re: Bravo - Teachers Discussion -- KJ -- 2006-07-23
View Thread · Previous · Next Return to Index › yes Raoul - Teachers Discussion

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